Friday, November 28, 2014

S. W. Smith Memorial Library & Boobmobile Book Memorials

In memory of FRED ANDERSON:  Given by Robert & Joyce Wylie.

In memory of ANNIE BELL: Given by Gary & Dee Hardes.

In memory of TOM BICKFORD:  Given by Allen & Norma Klein.

In memory of DONNA BOOL:  Given by Port Allegany High School Classof 1959.

In memory of CHARLES “CHUCK” BOLLER:  Given by Ken & Char Gross;His great-grandchildren: Frazier & Norma Grace Anderson, children of Josh & Randi;  Jack & Pat Kieser;  Gary & Dee Hardes;  Dean & Becky Boorum;  Dann & Nancy Shalkowski;   Gerry Moses;  Bob & Cindy Buckheit.

In memory of JOHN BOROWSKI:  Given by Ken & Char Gross.

In memory of LORAINE BOVA:  Given by Shirley Reed Family; Don & Grace Barnard.

In memory of CEZAR:  Given by Marg Healy.

In memory of  MARIAN M. EICHER:  Given by Janet Lilly, Penny Neely, & Debra Eaton.

In memory of DOUGLAS FITZSIMMONS:  Given by Delbert Matison.

In memory of HOWARD H. HALL:  Given by Jim, John & Jeff Young.

In memory of ELAIN JOHNSON:  Given by Bob & Cindy Buckheit.

In memory of HOWARD JOHNSON:  Given by the Allegheny Mountain Carvers Club.

In memory of ROY KIO:  Given by Grant & Earleen Postlewait.

In memory of OPAL MOSHIER:  Given by Isaac & Molly Barber; Bob & Cindy Buckheit.

In memory of DAVID OSTRANDER:  Given by Fortner Reunion Fund.

In memory of ELAINE OSTRANDER:  Given by Fortner Reunion Fund.

In memory of BILL “OZ” OSTRUM:  Given by the Farber Family.

In memory of JIM PRICE:  Given by Five Hundred Club.

In memory of JIM “SLEEP” REDINGTON:  Given by Donna Jewart.

In memory of RUBEN:  Given by Heather Shaffer.

In memory of VIOLET SABOLCIK:  Given by Rance & Laurie Crawford.

In memory of SARAH SCHERER:  Given by Domestic Relations—Smethport; Mark & Cathy Carlson; Joan Thompson; Marg Healy.

In memory of FLORENCE A. SCHWARTZ:  Given by Pittsburgh Corning Corporation.

In memory of ARDENA STARR:  Given by Betty & Sandy Kerr;  Jay & Jacki Kahle;  “KB Walking Crew”:  Karen Givan, Mary Kay, Templin, Wanda Stebbins, Sue Zirkle, Deb Hess, Jim Stuck; Ed & Betty Hach; Dorm Wallace & Mary Beth Frison; Nancy & Al Burris; Marlene Lang.

In memory of FERNLEY STUDER:  Given by Helen Main.

In memory of NORMAN “RED” TAYLOR:  Given by Karen Strait & Joyce Seeley.

In memory of LORRAINE THOMAS:  Given by Grace Lawrence;  Carl & Diane Kowalski.

In memory of ROBERT D. THOMAS:  Given by Gordon & Mary Lou Erway; Thelma B. Thomas.

Mike & Cherie Nasto
Lorrie Riale
Janna Shaffer

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