Saturday, November 30, 2013

My Thoughts

I wanted to make this a once-a-month column.  It looks more like it will be as I think of things to write about or have topics I want to get out there that I feel strongly about.

In the past 2 days on Facebook I read a bit about how Port lost the Christmas spirit we once had.  The lights were one thing mentioned.  Another thing I realized was how it has been years since Santa sat on the square and talked to the kids in that little house.  How about Toys For Tots?  I believe that is also a thing of the past.  What a shame.  It seemed to be a successful event.  I'm by no means downing those that took control of it for over a decade.  I know them and they are very community oriented.  It's just a shame more isn't done until we lose something and then everyone says something about this or that.

(I want this to be an interactive column.  I encourage input, and will not mention names of those that e-mail and comment on a topic.  Ideas may be shared, but names will not be made public.)

I've seen recent posts on social media of pictures of the past around town.  What a place to grow up in huh?  I am lucky to remember some of what is posted...but saddened to see some of what once was before my time.

As I write this "Small Business Saturday" is being celebrated in many places.  What can Port do to take part in this?  I don't know if any local business is holding longer hours as part of this event.

Remember when businesses in town stayed open until 7:00pm or so on Friday and or Saturdays during the holidays?  Does that still take place?

To shop local and help out your neighbor, friend or family, do you shop local and ask store owners to order what you can not find?  Try it some time.  I, although it has been awhile, have done this.  Surprisingly, they are very accommodating in most cases.  Try it next time you shop local and are unable to find something.  Last time I asked, it was something simple - laundry soap.  Within a couple weeks they had what I was leaving town to purchase.  All I did was ask.  Granted it wasn't a Mom and Pop store like it could have been, but it was very much LOCAL.  Someone I know waited on me.  And it wasn't at "that big box store" everyone talks about.  And yes, had I been able to purchase the detergent at a Mom and Pop, I definitely would have.

Those are My Thoughts.  What are Your's?  E-mail us.


  1. There aren't any Mom and Pop Shops Left in Port. Carlson's is the only real mom and pop place and they are over priced to be able to stay open. And they don't have consistent hours. Port has gone down hill but that is because people stopped caring. Last I heard Moe's Bar and Grill sponsor a version of Toys for Tots.

  2. We hold an event that raises money for Toys 4 Tots and do so every year. As of right now there is no one that has taken over however we still plan to raise money and put it in an account until someone else is appointed.

  3. We stand corrected. Thank you for the clarification Laura. And thank you to Laura and Todd for still being involved with Toys For Tots.

  4. Last year, the Lions club hosted an event with Santa. and Mrs Claus at the Gazebo. Visitors enjoyed their visits and hot chocolate and cookies .


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