Thursday, October 9, 2014

Kallenborn announces retirement / By Martha Knight

“It’s time for retirement,” borough manager Dick Kallenborn told the Port Allegany Borough Council at the close of his monthly report to council Monday night.

He began his spoken addendum to his written report by saying, “I’d like to thank all who have been very supportive” [of his efforts]. He said his retirement would be effective at the end of this year.

Kallenborn had previously announced an intention to retire in January of 2013.  The council began the process of seeking a successor, but an organized protest of his retirement, at another meeting, brought an agreement from him to stay on.

This time he seems determined to leave. He noted that he had served in the post for 18 years. He closed his brief remarks with the statement, “No, I won’t come back.”

Asked by a reporter what steps the borough council will take to fill the position, council member Judy Taylor, presiding at the meeting, said the council had just now learned of Kallenborn’s decision to retire and so it had not made a plan of action.

Other members said the Personnel Committee would meet and prepare a plan for getting a replacement on board, determining qualifications and drafting a job description.

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