Sunday, October 12, 2014

Flash Mob

Another feel good moment provided by the Port Allegany School District. On a beautiful fall day, students from PAES and staff and a class or two from the high school, along with members of the community held a Flash Mob on the Town Square and dropped everything to stop and read for 15 minutes. Organizing the event was Mrs. Cherie Nasto...and what a wonderful event it was. Students got a little exercise walking to the square, rested, relaxed and enjoyed a good book, then walked back to the school. Sixth graders took the kindergarten students under their wings, walking with them to and from the square and reading to them on the square. The weather could not have been better! It was wonderful to see young and old alike reading...using the town square...and enjoying the day and each other's company. The firemen provided traffic control as did the police department. So much fun. I love taking pictures but seriously thought of "dropping everything" and reading a book of my own...but then decided I would read later and preserve the memories of the Flash Mob!

The first picture is of Kindergarten student Connor Valentine who was joined on the square by his mother, Liz; sister Willow and baby sister Lilly; the 2nd photo is of Deputy Chief Kevin Ernst with Matty as they help with traffic control; 3rd photo - here they come!  PAES students making their way to the square; 4th photo - Daniel Finn showing off his Harry Potter book and his friend Syrus Sauers; number 5 - older kids reading to the younger kids and number 6 - Mrs. Funk's fourth grade class.  Pam Fischer Photos

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